Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Away for a couple weeks.

I will be in Italy on buisness for a couple of weeks.  I will try to get some good pictures for the blog.  Ciao!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Early home-built Harley race bike.

Super cool home-built race bike.  Engine looks to be about a 1913.  The fork looks stock but, the springer portion has been removed.  Moving the wheel back like that must make for some pretty quick steering.  The rear of the frame has been shortened and what looks like a bicycle seat added.  Custom handle bars?

Amazing stuff!

Just got back from a trip in the mitten.  Met a great guy that showed me some of his amazing collection.  He asked that I not divulge his name or location.  Which I can totally understand.  With that said I had a great time talking about motorcycles and bicycles with him.  Not a Harley in the bunch!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Early Sportster drag bike.

Looking a little like a boardtrack racer.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A couple of interesting JDs for sale on Ebay right now.

The creme bike is a 29 JD with an astronomical price over $130,000!  The second bike is a 28 JD once owned by Steve Mcqueen.  Price on the Mcqueen bike is a little easier to swallow.

Motorcycle cops on Harley Davidsons.

Both look like 1932 models.  I could be wrong.

Jack White - Freedom at 21

Notice the old English D on the girls hand.  A nod to Detroit.  I hope no Hemi Cudas were hurt during the filming of the video.

Biker chick on a 1913 Harley Davidson.

Notice the inlet push-rod exits the timing case.

Volvo S60R.

Something you don't see everyday.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Stupid cool dragster.

I bet the guys in the white shirts are debating whether to let him run or not.


I'm not really up on my European bikes but, my guess is a BSA.  Kids don't look very happy!

Indian with sidecar.

The bike must have been a prop.  The sidecar is on blocks and the front tire is flat.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

American Motor Company. Not AMC!

Home of Marsh-Metz.  The bikes were also sold under the name: American, Arrow, Haverford, National and Peerless.

New York to Chicago ride. 1908

It seems like Wauseon has been a destination for riders since motorcycles were invented.