Monday, December 30, 2013

Detroit motordrome.

I was really excited to find this image.  I read that Detroit had a board track but, I found very little information about it.  Check out all the bikes along the edge of the track!  Wish I had a close-up.

Ducati 200 elite and TS Americano.

I like the racy look of the elite but I am not a fan of the jelly mold tank.  I've seen a bike with the twin mufflers run and the sound is unimpressive!  I think I will go with a megaphone on mine.  Powder coat the frame gold and candy apple red on the tin?  With a gold pin-stripe.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ducati 200 single and what is left of a Benelli.


Bought these today.  Package deal and he even delivered them!
The Ducati is a 60 or 61 200 Americano.  I'm not sure of the displacement on the Benelli.  I plan on bringing home the 125 Benelli today.  This one will go into my storage unit.  I still have a ton of paint work to do on the 27 Harley and the 125 Benelli.  After that I can start on the Ducati.  Im thinking clip-ons, solo seat, aluminum rims, paint, and chrome.  Anyone in the Detroit area know a good place to have a Ducati single rebuilt?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Moto Morini.

Corsarino (little pirate)
