Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Amazing group of photos taken June 9th 1914 in Toledo Ohio.

Merkel teammates with Jones at the center. 
Bill Goudy in his leather helmet.

Merkel rider Cleo Pineau?

I believe the two above pictures are of  Maldwyn Jones.

These photos were taken at a somewhat pivotal time in the industry.  One month after this event Harley Davidson entered its first factory race team in the Dodge city 300.  One year later in December Yale quit making motorcycles.  This was also one day after Charles "Fearless" Balke was killed practicing on a Chicago area dirt track.  The event pictured here was won by Lee Taylor on a Indian.  Balke was his team mate.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Midget racer on a board track in 1948.

I thought all the board tracks were gone before WWII.  Guess not.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cool Rudge 500 4v flat tracker from Manchester England.

Back of picture says this bike and rider were the record holder at the time the photo was taken.